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Do you have any questions about research?
All library services can be delivered to you via email, just send a note.
The Beal University Library is a great place to study, research, get your coursework done, and just relax and learn. We have the books you need, and computers for you to use.
Tuesday 12:00 - 5:00
Wednesday 9:00 - 2:00
Thursday 8:00 - 1:00
Feel free to stop by the library for any questions you may have. We also provide an email and phone option for you please call us at 207-947-4591 and ask for the library or email Donna Bancroft at dbancroft@beal.edu
The Beal University Library contains over 6,000 books. Our collection is a balance of research and recreational reading. If we don't own a book you need just ask us about it, we can borrow it from another library or purchase the book for our collection. Our catalog is available from any internet-connected computer. Just click on the catalog link above to see what we have available for you.
If you need a book we don't own we can borrow it from another local library and have it delivered to our campus for you.
Click on the card catalog to search for books