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The Writing Process - Step by Step

Finding a Topic

Choosing A Topic

Choosing your topic is a critical first step in the research process. Picking an unsuitable topic will cost you a lot of time and effort so it is worth taking a few extra minutes when choosing a topic. Here are two important tips to keep in mind when choosing your research topic:

  • Review your assignment: Does your assignment require a specific type of source? Does your topic need to focus on a specific geographic region or time period?
  • Choose something interesting: It is harder to research a topic you find boring but think will be easy. Pick something you find personally interesting.

If you can't think of an immediate focus, review your class readings and notes for possible research topics. If that doesn't work, try asking yourself these questions:

  • What events or topics do you feel enthusiastic about?
  • Is there something you would like to know more about?
  • Is there a current issue (global, national, local, campus…) that you are interested in or you feel is important?
  • Do you have something to say or a strong opinion on a topic?