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Skip to Main ContentThe US Bureau of Labor Statistics is an excellent source of data on wages, compensation costs, employee benefits and much more.
Recommended site for finding authoritative and current information on U.S. pay and benefits. The BLS has various surveys that report on employee compensation. They are described on this site.
EBRI is a neutral organization that does objective research on employee benefit programs and public policy with regard to employee benefits.
Salary information is available from compensation surveys and the Salary Wizard. In addition to compensation data, editorial content on compensation advice, negotiation tactics and news specific to the compensation marketplace are also provided.
The BLS compiles statistics on employment, pay & benefits, workplace injuries, union strike actions and much more.
Excellent source for raw data, including many data sets related to labor and employment. Includes mapping tools.
OSHA provides statistics on workplace injuries, illnesses, fatalities and more. Also see regulation and enforcement information.