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ENV101 - Environmental Geology

Why use a Database for Research?

Databases are organized collections of computerized information or data such as periodical articles, books, graphics and multimedia that can be searched to retrieve information. Databases can be general or subject oriented with bibliographic citations, abstracts, and or full text. The sources indexed may be written by scholars, professionals or generalists.

Research databases that are retrieved on the World Wide Web are generally non-fee based, lack in-depth indexing, and do not index proprietary resources. Subscription or commercial databases are more refined with various types of indexing features, searching capabilities, and help guides.

Maine Digital Library Databases

Maine Digital Library.

The Digital Maine Library provides every resident of Maine with access to a collection of full text articles and abstracts from magazines, newspapers, journals and reference books that are credible, reputable resources. Here are a few databases that are contained in the Digital Maine Library Collection.

You can access these and other databases via Canvas under the Student, Library and Learning Resources Tab - Search Engines and Databases, you will see the login and password for the EBSCO Databases on this page. See handout at the bottom of this box on how to access these databases. The databases below will need to be accessed through Canvas. See a handout and video below for more information on how to access the databases.

Some helpful databases:

Academic Search Complete 

Applied Science & Technology Source 

Business Source Ultimate 

CINAHL Ultimate 

eBook Collection (EBSCOhost) 

Environment Complete 


Engineering Source 

Entrepreneurial Studies Source 

Exploring Race in Society 

FSTA - Food Science and Technology Abstracts 

Food Science Source 

History Reference Source eBook Subscription 

Health Source: Nursing/Academic Edition 

Hobbies & Crafts Source 

Humanities Source 


MAS Reference eBook Collection 

MasterFILE Complete Reference eBook Subscription (EBSCOhost) 

MasterFILE Premier Reference eBook Subscription (EBSCOhost) 



Newspaper Source Plus 

Primary Search Reference eBook Collection 

Professional Development Collection 

Regional Business News 

Science Reference eBook Collection 

Vocational and Career Collection